May 9, 2019 | BPS Activities
Some time ago, the BPS of South Minahasa Regency had just carried out the Load Mapping and Update activity of Census 2020 Statistical Work Area. These activities are part of the Population Census activity which will be implemented in 2020. This mapping activity is a field activity carried out by bringing print out of basic maps and depictions of SLS boundaries and village boundaries in the field. In addition, officers are also equipped with a Wilkerstat Application (mobile) to ascertain the position and location of the SLS and take photos and landmark coordinates of SLS boundaries and village infrastructure. The mapping activity itself was carried out in all villages in 514 districts / cities in Indonesia and the BPS of South Minahasa Regency was one of the work areas that carried out these activities by holding two districts as their working area, South Minahasa Regency and Southeast Minahasa Regency. With this mapping activity, it is expected that in the future it will be able to produce a good Census 2020 statistical work area map, obtain a master framework that is up to date for the Census 2020 and able to support the embodiment of a map of Indonesia.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan (Statistics of Minahasa Selatan Regency)Sampai saat ini BPS Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara belum dibentuk
seluruh kegiatan BPS di Minahasa Tenggara dilaksanakan BPS Minahasa Selatan yang beralamat di: Jl. Trans Sulawesi
Desa Teep
Kecamatan Amurang Barat
Minahasa Selatan 95955
Telp (+62-430) 22798