June 15, 2020 | BPS Activities
Village Potential Data is the only regional / spatial data owned by BPS. Various data and information collected include the availability of infrastructure (education, health, economy, and social), the situation of community security, social and economic activities to disaster data. Podes data collection results can be used for various purposes by various parties who need regional-based data sources.
Updating the Village Development Data 2020 is carried out in all administrative areas at the village level: villages, villages, UPT / SPT, and nagari (specifically the Province of West Sumatra). Data collection was carried out by field enumerators from 15 June 2020 to 17 July 2020. Sources of Information on Updating Village Development Data were obtained from relevant and relevant informants in the village / kelurahan area. The resource persons are village / kelurahan government officials consisting of village / kelurahan heads and village / kelurahan officials (village secretaries, secretariats, regional administrators and technical apparatus) as well as other authorized and relevant sources.
Data collected in the Village Development Data Update is an indication of the potential of a region. Update of Village Development Data 2020 is collected through the CAPI application (Based on Android on the Officer's Cellphone). The questions contained in the Update Desa 2020 Development Data include: Information on place, Information on officers and resource persons, General information on village / kelurahan, Population and territorial, Housing and environment, Education and health, Sports and entertainment, Transport and communication, Economy, Social and security, natural disasters and natural disaster mitigation, village assets, and information on village / kelurahan government officials.
Hopefully the implementation of Updating PODES 2020 in Minahasa Tenggara Regency will run smoothly. Officers can carry out their duties smoothly, according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and on time, so that the resulting data is better and of better quality. Therefore, let us support and succeed in updating the Village Potential Data (PODES) 2020 in the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hopefully the officers for Updating PODES 2020 will be facilitated in carrying out their duties. Keep the spirit, keep health and safety.
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