Captive Power Annual Survey 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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Captive Power Annual Survey 2020

Captive Power Annual Survey 2020

June 22, 2020 | BPS Activities

This year the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) conducted a Captive Power Survey on non-electricity companies. This survey aims to obtain information about the company's electricity needs and electricity generated by the company. Data from the survey results are used as material for development planning and evaluation, especially in the electricity sector.

In June, as we all know, the world is in the midst of the Corona Virus (Covid-19), but besides that, data collection is still important. In June this BPS decided to adopt two methods of data collection, namely through long distance interviews via mobile phones and direct interviews while still taking into account applicable health protocols namely wearing masks, keeping a distance and diligently washing hands.

There are 6 samples of Captive Power 2020 Annual Survey of Minahasa Tenggara Regency, namely Ratahan Community Health Center, Mitra Sehat Hospital, Buyat Ratatotok Hospital, Ratatotok Health Center, Silian Health Center and Molompar Health Center. Due to the distance and location of different districts with enumerator locations in the 2020 Captive Power Annual survey in Minahasa Tenggara Regency, it was conducted using existing telecommunications media.

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