Podes Officer Training 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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Podes Officer Training 2021

Podes Officer Training 2021

May 24, 2021 | BPS Activities

Village Potential Enumeration (Podes) is the only complete data collection that captures the socio-economic reality in all government administrative areas at the village level. This fact brings pride as well as challenges. This pride is partly because the Podes results will always be awaited and become a reference for many Parties. Meanwhile, the challenge is that more and more parties are highlighting and demanding the validity and accuracy of the Podes data.
Monday, 24 May 2021 BPS South Minahasa Regency held a Training for Data Collection Officers for PODES 2021 Bps Minahasa Selatan in a zoom meeting which was opened by the Head of South Minahasa Bps Hirsfeld Manullang, S.Si., MSi, with 63 field officers divided into two Minahasa Selatan 35, Minahasa Tenggara 28, where later in June the officers will collect data on Village Potentials (Podes) in all Villages in Minahasa Selatan and Minahasa Tenggara Districts.
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