Youth Spirit: Unite to Advance Indonesia Together with BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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Youth Spirit: Unite to Advance Indonesia Together with BPS

Youth Spirit: Unite to Advance Indonesia Together with BPS

October 30, 2023 | Other Activities

Every year, on October 28 to be precise, the Indonesian people celebrate Youth Pledge Day with great enthusiasm and pride. This commemoration is not just a historical memory, but also a call to understand and continue the spirit of mutual cooperation and unity shown by the youth in 1928.

In commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day in 2023, the theme is "Together Advancing Indonesia". This theme is not just a series of words, but a real mission that involves every element of society, including the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS). BPS, as the institution responsible for data collection and management, has a very vital role in realizing the spirit and meaning of this warning.

Through data collection efforts that summarize the diversity of ethnicity, language and culture in Indonesia, BPS does not just collect numbers, but also describes the cultural richness that is the strength of this country. These data are a reflection of the spirit of unity in diversity, which is also the essence of the Youth Pledge.

More than just statistics, the data collected by BPS is the basis for designing inclusive development. In the context of the theme "Together Advancing Indonesia", BPS not only presents figures, but also the stories behind the data. Stories about successes and challenges, about the potential and hopes of Indonesian youth.

It doesn't stop there, BPS also opens the door wide to involve youth in the data collection and analysis process. Young people are not only statistical objects, but also active actors in taking part in understanding the situation of their country. Through this participation, the younger generation feels that their voices are recognized and appreciated, a step that is in line with the spirit of the Youth Pledge.

In commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day in 2023, BPS is not just a statistical institution, but is also at the forefront in actualizing the spirit of unity and mutual cooperation. By involving youth, by summarizing diversity, and by using data as a development milestone, Indonesia is moving forward as one nation, one homeland, and one unified language, as mandated by the Youth Pledge in 1928.
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