PODES and EPSS coordination in Southeast Minahasa - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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PODES and EPSS coordination in Southeast Minahasa

PODES and EPSS coordination in Southeast Minahasa

May 14, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 - The Head of South Minahasa Regency BPS and his team coordinated with the Regent of Southeast Minahasa Regency in the context of Village Potential activities (PODES) and Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS).

PODES is the only complete regional data collection carried out by BPS. Not only villages/sub-districts but also sub-districts to regencies/cities are covered by the PODES data collection area, including the Southeast Minahasa Regency area.

On this occasion, the Regent's Officials discussed inflation data where the Head of BPS explained that in Southeast Minahasa district, a special survey had not been carried out to calculate inflation, so the Price Development Index (IPH) data was used as a proxy for the regional inflation approach in Southeast Minahasa district.
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