The Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation in Manado City in October 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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The Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation in Manado City in October 2020

Release Date : November 2, 2020
File Size : 0.68 MB


In October 2020, Manado City experienced an inflation of 0.10 percent due to an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 104.88 in September 2020 to 104.99 in October 2020. Of the eleven expenditure groups in Manado City, the index increase occurred in the food group. , beverages and tobacco by 0.84 percent, the recreation, sports and culture group by 0.41 percent, the food and beverage / restaurant supply group by 0.28 percent and the clothing and footwear group by 0.18 percent. The expenditure groups that experienced a decrease in the index were the transportation group by 1.15 percent, the personal care and other services group by 0.31 percent, the equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group by 0.17 percent and the housing, water, electricity and materials group. household burns by 0.07 percent. Expenditure groups that did not change were the health group, the information, communication and financial services group and the education group.
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