Catalog Number | : | 9302008.7109 |
Publication Number | : | 71090.1802 |
ISSN/ISBN | : | 978-602-5494-42-0 |
Publishing Frequency | : | Annualy |
Release Date | : | August 10, 2018 |
Language | : | Indonesian |
File Size | : | 6.74 MB |
The book Publication of Southeast Minahasa Regency's Gross Regional Domestic Product According to 2013-2017 Business Fields, is a continuation of previous year's similar publications compiled by the Central Statistics Agency of South Minahasa Regency. This publication presents a descriptive overview of the development of Southeast Minahasa economy. This book also presents GRDP tables for 2013-2017 based on current prices and 2010 constant prices in the form of nominal value and percentage. As a complement to the review of the tables, the concepts, definitions and explanations of GRDP according to the business field are presented. GRDP data in this publication and subsequent publications use the 2010 base year, and have adopted the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) concept as recommended by the United Nations.
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