Regional Instructor Training, Digitalization of SP2020 Results Building Points - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Minahasa Tenggara Regency

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Regional Instructor Training, Digitalization of SP2020 Results Building Points

Regional Instructor Training, Digitalization of SP2020 Results Building Points

March 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

The compilation of Wilkerstat Spatial Data Integration and SP2020 Results is a component of continued activities for the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). One of the results of the SP2020 field data collection is the map of the smallest local environmental unit (SLS) or what is called the SP2020-WS map which has been equipped with the points / dots of inhabited buildings and building numbers, as well as improvements to the SLS boundaries according to the field. The results of the SP2020 field will be digitized so that they can be useful for BPS census and survey activities. On March 18 to 20, 2021, BPS of North Sulawesi Province Holds Regional Instructor Training for the Digitalization of Building Points SP2020 Results, the participants are all District / City BPS in North Sulawesi Province. After the training, the SP2020 Result Building Point Digitization activity will be carried out from March to August 2021.

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